Our portioning perfection; feeding your culinary vision.

We call this: “Quality on a grand scale” – Geoff Atkinson, Managing Director Australian Meat Portioning Company À La Carte Meats.

We work with the best cattle people; to bring Australian meat to a global market.

You know it as “Paddock to plate

A huge network of growers means a diverse menu.

Australian beef including: grain fed, wagyu, angus & MB2 to name a few..

From Ballarat to Singapore; we can be there tomorrow for dinner.

Your brand, our brand or someone else’s.

Choose a regular cut, or design your own.

We work with the world’s best food service minds to design product made to meet budget, deliver on presentation and excel on taste.

Our History

The history of Australian Meat Portioning Company À La Carte Meats

For Managing Director of À La Carte Meats Geoff Atkinson, meat and portioning runs in the blood line. Geoff is a third generation butcher and was literally born in a butcher shop. While his love for meat has developed on a slightly larger scale, a meat cleaver is never too far away and there isn’t a day that goes by where you won’t see Geoff fastidiously walking the production isles of his Brisbane-based meat portioning company. À La Carte Meats is a serious player in the Australian beef industry, exporting large quantities of Australian meat to the world.

“We listen to our clients and bring intelligence to the table, literally. We have evolved from humble beginnings but today we have the latest technologies and the strictest quality classifications that make our quality second to none and our portions dead on accurate every time.” – Geoff Atkinson Managing Director

Quality of the highest standard known to mankind.

While we are not ones to gloat, we are super passionate about maintaining a safe and hygienic work place as well as a cultural friendly standard that ensures our products can be enjoyed by all. This is what we believe it takes to be a leader in the supply of Australian meat.

Certified & accredited by:

The world’s leading brands serve only the best and most reliable Australian meat portions.

No matter if you are eating a steak at one of hundreds of ALH owned hotels in Australia or at one of the many quality restaurant chains across the middle east, Singapore, HongKong or Thailand, you are sure to have eaten an À La Carte ‘originated’ Australian meat portion. Our cuts service some of the world’s most respected brands and our clients provide their customers with confidence that their portions are perfect every time. 

Australian beef export is a super competitive industry, which is why À La Carte Meats has developed a reputation of out-performing the competition.